Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Maycomb - A good place to live in?

Conduct an interview with a friend (not from HCI) or family member. Find out from their point of view on prejudice and discrimination. Either record the interview or write out the interview transcript:

Me: What do you think is prejudice?

Friend: I'm guessing it's kind of like an adverse judgment or opinion formed beforehand or without knowledge or examination of the facts or a preconceived preference or idea.

Me: Can you form a sentence for me with it?

Friend: He has a prejudice against a person that his parents claim to be a bad person, although that person is kind and friendly.

Me: Next, what is discrimination?

Friend: I think it's to discriminate against a person or thing on the basis of the group, class, or category to which the person or thing belongs rather than according to actual merit.

Me: Form a sentence?

Friend: Foreigners have been saying that the new law is discrimination to them.

Me: Okay, thanks!

Write a diary entry for a major character of the novel:

Dear Diary,

It is a dark day for Maycomb County. Some of us knew Tom was going to lose, but we still had hope, so we must look up. Tom knows, and we know, Tom did not commit this sinful crime. I look at the Ewells with pity. As Tom said in court,"I felt sorry for her." These aren't the words of a hate filled angry man; these are the words of a wonderful God-loving man. Whites think it is appalling for any Negro man to feel sorry for any white human being no matter how low in social status. I think it is the mark of a deeply caring man.

Tom, we want to thank you for being so strong throughout this terrible time. We must stand together and say what happened in court is wrong. We must stand together and support Tom's wife and three small children. Finally, we must thank Mr. Atticus Finch for defending Tom. Atticus Finch is a good and decent man. We must pray together that his appeal on Tom's behalf will finally be heard in the halls of justice.

I will write again.

-Alexandra Finch

*Classified under Others*


Sherwin Tan said...

Firstly, you could have asked your friend to give you some real examples on prejudice and discrimination. Secondly, good point on Tom being caring. You have very good supporting evidence. Keep up the good effort! Just another suggestion. You could elaborate more on Atticus being decent and good with some very good supporting evidence like what you have done for the point of Tom being caring. Overall, quite a well done post you have done i would say.

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